www.freshdps.co.uk email us AYLES 01296 489998 HEMEL HEMPSTEAD MILTON KEYNES

Monday 22 November 2010

Its Nice That                   

Heres a little rant from our designers, so be patient with us, we all know that creative people can have a tendency to be..... well lets say creative in their thoughts and processes.

So I was with a couple of my old college designer friends last week and we were discussing the word 'nice' and how it crops up into any conversation about design. I never knew that as a creative bunch, designers could be so touchy about a word but when asked about it they said that it should be removed from the dictionary or disected and tortured until it was screaming for mercy until it wasnt 'nice'.

Why is a word hated so much by designers? the answer is that it means nothing when a client describes work, all designers need feedback good or bad for some direction but 'nice' is a sit on the fence answer and is guaranteed to enrage. They felt it was a lazy way of describing and a get out used for the english language.

This is also the case in different circumstances, like if you are having a meal cooked for you and you say that it is 'nice' then how does that make the cook feel, neither here nor there I suspect or if you are trying on a new outfit and your partner says 'its nice' then does this really help?

So try it next time and see, perhaps we are living in too much of a PC world where people are too scared to criticise, so next time you hear yourself saying the word, take a minute and think what you would like to really say and lets hope its not 'nice.'

If you want to find out more about Fresh then email us on hello@freshdps.co.uk or call us on 01296 489998 or 01442 345088 or visit us at www.freshdps.co.uk


Monday 8 November 2010

GES - The Rebrand                                                                 

Over the last couple of years we seem to have become the rebrand specialists, we have done quite a few now and each time the result of the before and after are spectacular.

Most companies want to sharpen their image a bit after a few years as we all know things go in and out of fashion and a companys image can start to look a bit tired and stagnant.

So a year ago we were called into to pitch our company to start a rebrand campaign for General Environmental Services, we won the pitch and we embarked on a complete rebranding campaign over the year, firstly we had to pitch our creative design and it was this part that impressed. From their on in we came up with a complete brand identity that would work across all mediums. It ranged from simple business cards to vehicle livery to internal and external signage and brand awareness for an e-shot as well and just recently a complete exhibiton stand from scratch

The results were incredible and the clients extremely pleased with the results, so much so that they then asked us to rebrand their sub-divisions GES Technology and GES Air,

Gareth Davis from GES commented, " We wanted to have a consistent, contemporary brand identity that showed our clients what we are about, from the moment we met Fresh we knew we had picked the right company, they have given us an identity that we are all proud of, they managed the whole project from start to finish without fuss and would recommend them to anyone as the service was first class. We had many design companys pitch to us but it was Freshs' creative approach that impressed us the most."

So if your businees needs to have a look at its image again then give us a call on 01296 489998 or 01442 345088 or email us at hello@freshdps.co.uk or visit us at www.freshdps.co.uk

Below is the finished result of a careful, creative rebranded logo.


Friday 5 November 2010

Which comes first Sales or Marketing?       

As a design, print and marketing company we speak to a lot of businesses who see the value of marketing but aren’t yet ready to invest in it without seeing sales first. This is like the old story of the chicken and the egg.

You might have the best product in the world, but how will any one know if you don’t market it? You might put it on your website.Tell someone about it at a networking event. Word of mouth marketing. Maybe use social media to talk about it, but without marketing it in the right way then it will fail.

We understand that you need to see a return on the investment, but marketing doesn’t have to be last on the list and can help generate the sales it needs. The key is doing regular activity and remembering that results will not always been seen immediately. That first egg had to be incubated for a while before hatching and being a chicken....  just a thought next time you think you should be cutting your budgets.
