We all like something for free and this is ours, hopefully bye now you'll have seen hashtags around and seen what they are used for.
If not, hashtags are way of seeing a bigger picture of the conversation of an event or a person that the world is talking about.
It is mostly used on twitter and all you have to do to start a trend and get people talking about you is #yourself and you can find a collective way of what people are saying.
We are always trying to support local businesses so if you want to get people talking about you, let us know and every Friday we will shout out your name or company to help.
here are our free ones this week that we will publish on twitter, inbox us @ hello@freshdps.co.uk to join in.
Local Life -
Local Business using Local Services
Its always great to see local business working together as we have been doing the print for the Local Life magazine for nearly 3 years now.
Its a monthly magazine that promotes local businesses and news and information that goes out to local residents across the vale.
Andy Gerlack said ' Its great that a business like Local Life want to use a local company for their print, I have seen time again in this area work sent all over the country when there are just as good local traders on their doorstep. I wish more business would do the same.'
The magazine itself is monthly print run of 5500 copies and varies between 36 pages and 44 pages, with our specialized print and finishing equpment this job gets turned around in 48 hrs ready for distribution.
Kevin Brook stated ' We have the necessary equipment and expertise to fulfil jobs like these, this is what we are geared up to do and its a pleasure each month doing it.'
If you want to find out how Fresh can help your business then email us at hello@freshdps.co.uk or visit us www.freshdps.co.uk
Or call us on any of the above numbers or pop in, we'd love to see you .