An Eventful 4 years
We always talk about long standing partnerships and that there is no loyalty nowadays but that is not the case for a job that we have produced for the last 4 years, I am talking about the Aylesbury Town Centre Events Guide.
Over the last 4 years we have produced the Guide that highlights the events that go on in and around Aylesbury and it shows that we must be doing something right for The Partnership to keep coming back to us.
Kevin Brook stated ' Its great to see that The Partnership value what we do and I am grateful that we have the opportunity each year to produce such a wonderful piece of communication. We always talk about local business using local traders to keep our local economy alive and this just shows that we are just as good as anybody else to produce this'
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Or give us a call on any of the above numbers or pop in, we'd love to see you.
SJD Accountancy - Brand Consistency
One of our newest clients recently is SJD Accountancy, we have been producing many things for them recently from letterheads to businesss cards but one job that sticks out is the Contractors guide as it is piece of communication that looks great, feels great and is perfect to send out.
The guide itself is a 72 page book ,throughout all four colour and perfect bound as well, what we did though for this client was to go through a rigourous process of their brand colours and stocks to achieve maximum consitency of Sthe SJD brand throughout wherever it was seen
Andy Gerlack said, ' We started the processs with SJD early in 2012 and we went through different ways of how their brand would look from using spot colours to 4 colour process, the differences were massive and they appreciated the work we had put in to achieve the right brand consistency throughout their marketing collaterel, we were in this for the long term with them and we wanted to get it right from the outset, now we have everything covered and SJD are happy that their brand is unified and consistent.'
If you want to find out Fresh can help your business then email us at or visit us at
Or call us on any of the above number or pop in, we'd love to see you.
A great new client that has come on board recently is The Institute To The Motor Industry, over the last few months we have been printing brochures and folders and pop up banners for them.
IMI use us for our versality, our quality and reactiveness that we could do, what we offered them was that we could do all their different forms of communication under one roof from a printed brochure to a folder to posters to a pop up banner stand for an exhibition.
Andy Gerlack said. ' One of our strengths is that we can produce many different things from a poster to full colour brochures at a drop of a hat as we have all the right equipment in house sitting here so we can react quickly if we need to. We are used to panic jobs, in our industry there are always short deadlines and we thrive on it. Which is why so many people use us because we can deliver their expectations.
If you want to find out Fresh can help your business then email us at or visit us at
Or call us on any of the above numbers or pop in, we'd love to see you.
Beer Mats? - Yes we do
We have many different requests for print and I always say if there is ink involved then we can do it, and this was no exception to this job,we have been producing beer mats for a local band recently that they take along to their gigs. So we thought we would show the what we did, after all its still a great piece of marketing communication that everybody forgets about.
So if you need beermats, tablecloths, or anything obscure then give us a call, I promise we have heard it all and probably produced for most of them as well.
If you want to find out Fresh can help your business then email us at or visit us at
Or call us on any of the above numbers or pop in, we'd love to see you.
Fresh new menu for The Manor Restaurant
We always like to showcase good design and print and even though we did not design this piece, it still should be shared.
We do a lot of work for Waddesdon Manor and it is a pleasure as it is never your normal run of the mill pieces of print.
This piece shows off the quality of solid our presses can hold, all printing presses are not the same and ours is one of those that combines not only quality but with speed as well.
The solid red on this piece is achieved by laying a tint underneath the solid to give it an effect of total uniformed colour, the machine isnt just the only thing to achieve this, behind the scenes there is an operator who uses not just physical but mental ability to achieve this as well as a repro department to get it to this stage as well.
So there are many cogs in the wheel to achieve this piece and all come together at the same time to get the right quality.
If you want to find out how Fresh can help your business then email us at or visit us at
Or give us a call on any of the above numbers or pop in, we'd love to see you.