in the 1st Mix 96 Duck Race NOT
Well we would like to have used this headline but unfortunately our duck ran out of quacks at the first ever Duck Race held at the bridge by the Honeybee Pub on Fairford Leys.
It was a closely fought contest and there was definately some tactics being used by some of the other ducks as they paddled towards the chequered flag. Our duck named Fresh put in a brave performance but was sadly quackered towards the end and came in 2nd place.
Aftwerwards Fresh Duck commented, ' Quack, Quacked, Quack Quack Quakered '
Kevin Brook manager of Fresh Duck said ' We started off well but the water got the better of us, we had some obstacles to overcome and Fresh Duck was carrying and injury as well, we will train hard through the winter and come back stronger for next year.'
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