Kevin tangos the night away
at Strictly Florence

The latest being Strictly Florence where our Director Kevin Brook strutted his stuff all in the name of charity at The Aylesbury Waterside Theatre.
The lights were dimmed, the sequins were shimmering and the fake tan was glowing for an evening of dance extravaganza that had the audience up on their feet.
As nights go it was a night of dance disaaaaaasterssss as Judge Craig Revel Horwood put it but our Kevin did himself proud and Team Fresh and raised a lot of money for the Charity in the process.

The night itself was a sell out and the atmosphere in the theatre was fantastic and it made for a great night. Kevin said afterwards ' That was amazing, what a great night, its been hard work but I have loved every minute and we've raised a lot of money for Florence Nightingale as well, which is the most important thing.'
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