Aylesbury Park Golf Club - signage
We are fast becoming known to produce high quality fast and versatile signage around the area, one of which we have just finished is Aylesbury Park Golf Club
We had to design and produce 2 exterior aluminium signs to go in the car parks and also a members information cabinet as well as internal price boards
All of which were completely bespoke and fully installed by our qualified team. When we first take your enquiry we come out to discuss what you would like, measure up, come back to you with some different options and tell you honestly of any pitfalls or any problems that could incur. We will then design and proof it to your requirements and once approved, print and install at your earliest convenience.
Our signage is of the highest quality and workmanship and is fully guaranteed which is why we have designed, printed and installed so many over the years.
Andy Gerlack said ' Signage is a big part of our business and what we offer our clients is the whole package of how their business should look, I have been producing great pieces around the area for over 10 years now and I still get a kick out of seeing something we have produced years later still looking as good as new.
If you want to find out Fresh can help your business then email us at hello|@freshdps.co.uk or visit us at www.freshdps.co.uk
Or call us on any of the above numbers or pop in, we'd love to see you.
The Lost Art of Finishing
We always like to showcase the work we have done for a client and we wanted to show you this one because of the finishing on it, the design and print of the prospectus was of such quality that it had to be showcased.
The art of finishing is becoming a rarity nowadays but there are some specialist techniques that can change a printed piece of material to a new level.
What seemed to be a straightforward secondary school prospectus folder became a marketing piece of artwork. Too often a piece of communication gets lost within others so even more so nowadays it has to stand out from the crowd.
With this prospectus the target was to make it eye catching and for it to attract new students so we created new layout for the inside spreads and for the cover we went for a metallic silver with the cover matt laminated with a spot UV varnish over the top for the logo and text which gave it a feel of an excellent piece of literature.
Spot UV varnish is a much sought after finish to a printed matter but usually the cost puts people off but it can transform an ordinary brochure into a brilliant piece.
So next time your having something printed, ask about the finishing options available, as for that little bit extra the results show for themselves
If you want to find out how Fresh can help your business then email us at hello@freshdps.co.uk or visit us at www.freshdps.co.uk
Or call us on any of the above numbers or pop into one of our offices, we'd love to see you.
Design & Print The Way It Should Be
I get asked a lot about our strapline and what it means so I thought I would put into words what it stands for.
When we started Fresh over 5 years ago we took all the good bits from the companies that we had worked for and learnt from the bad bits as well to make Fresh into a company that:
Would firstly be excellent on quality, very creative design wise, have outstanding customer service, be very competitive, be a green as can be and give you a stress free, with no technical jargon enjoyable experience and deliver on time as well.
This has been our ethos and forms the structure to our approach with our clients since day 1 and has held us in good stead, which is why our clients come back to us time and again and the majority of our new business comes from recommendations.
So if you want to have your own Fresh experience then give us a call on any of the numbers above or email us at hello@freshdps.co.uk or visit us at www.freshdps.co.uk
We all like something for free and this is ours, hopefully bye now you'll have seen hashtags around and seen what they are used for.
If not, hashtags are way of seeing a bigger picture of the conversation of an event or a person that the world is talking about.
It is mostly used on twitter and all you have to do to start a trend and get people talking about you is #yourself and you can find a collective way of what people are saying.
We are always trying to support local businesses so if you want to get people talking about you, let us know and every Friday we will shout out your name or company to help.
here are our free ones this week that we will publish on twitter, inbox us @ hello@freshdps.co.uk to join in.
Local Life -
Local Business using Local Services
Its always great to see local business working together as we have been doing the print for the Local Life magazine for nearly 3 years now.
Its a monthly magazine that promotes local businesses and news and information that goes out to local residents across the vale.
Andy Gerlack said ' Its great that a business like Local Life want to use a local company for their print, I have seen time again in this area work sent all over the country when there are just as good local traders on their doorstep. I wish more business would do the same.'
The magazine itself is monthly print run of 5500 copies and varies between 36 pages and 44 pages, with our specialized print and finishing equpment this job gets turned around in 48 hrs ready for distribution.
Kevin Brook stated ' We have the necessary equipment and expertise to fulfil jobs like these, this is what we are geared up to do and its a pleasure each month doing it.'
If you want to find out how Fresh can help your business then email us at hello@freshdps.co.uk or visit us www.freshdps.co.uk
Or call us on any of the above numbers or pop in, we'd love to see you .
Have a look at Hartwell Nurseries
We always like to showcase great businesses that are local to us that we have produced work for.
Hartwell Nurseries are situated just between the Bugle Horn pub in Aylesbury and Haddenham, they are friendly, helpful and have some great plants and landscaping and most importantly they are independent and local.
We have recently been designing some business cards and invoices for them and below is what we produced for them, we feel our design compliments their business perfectly and they were very pleased with the result as well.
If you want to find out more about Hartwell Nurseries then visit them at www.hartwellnurseries.co.uk or pop in, they'll be glad to see you.
If you want to find out how Fresh can help your business then call us on any of the numbers above or email us at hello@freshdps.co.uk or visit us at www.freshdps.co.uk
Fresh teams up with
The Woodland Trust
We have some great news to announce. We have teamed up with the Woodland Trust to capture all the carbon from the paper we buy to help fund tree planting.
As a business, we have a responsibility to the environment to help protect it and this is another step to make us one of the best printers around to be 100% environmentally friendly.
We have already made the commitment to the paper that we buy and print on being FSC approved and all of our inks are environmentally friendly.
Kevin from Fresh said ' We are committed to being a company that has a responsible attitude towards the environment, and this is another step in the right direction.'
Andy Gerlack stated ' Our ethos over the last 6 years has always been 'Design & Print The Way It Should Be and by capturing our carbon helps fund this important cause.'
If you want to find out more about The Woodland Trust then go to www.woodlandtrust.org.uk/
If you want to find how Fresh can help your business then give us a call on any of the numbers above or email us at hello@freshdps.co.uk or visit us at www.freshdps.co.uk
Fresh Milton Keynes has Potential
One of our newest clients from the Milton Keynes branch is a charity called Potential Plus UK which nurtures and supports children with high learning potentials.
Potential Plus were one of the first clients to come through the doors at our Milton Keynes office a year ago and have stayed with us ever since.
We have been producing various communication material for them from pop up banners to booklets to leaflets.
Andy from Fresh stated ' With the Milton Keynes branch now in its 2nd year we are seeing the hard work paying off and new clients coming on board every week, Potential Plus are a great client to work with and I hope we will be with them for a long time.'
If you want to find out how we can help your business then give us a call on 01908 487513
or email us at hello@freshdps.co.uk or visit us at www.freshdps.co.uk
Boxing Clever from Fresh
When it comes to designing boxes we have a lot of experience in the field of how they are made, what works and how to make them look good, there are many things we print, but from a design perspective boxes are quite difficult as there are so many elements to incorporate. Firstly it has to look good, then you have to make sure its sturdy and then make sure it all pieces together as they are all normally supplied flat packed to be made up and then you have to get the design to work 3d.
All this has to come together to a deadline as well, so when we started designing Iain Rennies money box it wasn't as straight forward as you might think. But looking at the finished result we ticked all the boxes and the client was very pleased.
So when your looking at a piece of packaging whether its a tube of Smarties or an egg box, spare a thought for the practical work gone into it to get it to where it is.
If you want to find out how Fresh can help your business then give us a call on any of the numbers above or email us at hello@freshdps.co.uk or visit us at www.freshdps.co.uk
No emergencies here
as Thames Valley & Chiltern Air Ambulance come on board.
One of the good things that comes from a client is great feedback to our services and this was the case for one of our newest customers this year, Thames Valley & Chiltern Air Ambulance.
We have been designing and printing their newsletter and various other pieces of communications over the last year and the feedback once the jobs are finished and delivered are most welcome.
The newsletter itself is a 100,000 prints and we were able to design a great piece of artwork that gave the charity a big donation from the first time it went out.

Thames Valley said ' Andy, Jan and the team at Fresh have been brilliant, its great that I can come in and sit with the designers and chat about what we want to achieve. Im so pleased with the finished result.'
Andy added ' Its been an absolute pleasure working with Thames Valley Air, they have some great ideas of where they want to be and it makes our designers job easier when a client is passionate about their business as well, the stories are a great read and the pictures just add the excitement to what is a really well thought out newsletter.'
If you want to find out more abut Thames Valley & Chiltern Air Ambulance then visit them on www.tvacaa.org
If you want to find out how Fresh can help your business then call us on the numbers above or email us at hello@freshdps.co.uk or visit us at www.freshdps.co.uk
New Fresh Logo For A Fresh New School
We love designing logos and brands and this one was a special one, we designed the original Aylesbury Vale Academy logo many years ago and we were asked to come up with a logo for the new Berryfields Primary School which is situated next to the newly built Secondary School.
What we had to do was to keep some similarities with the existing school but it was to still have its own identity, so what we achieved was a logo that kept the ideals of the original AVA logo with the ticks but changed the colours to a more softer pastel, there was also a strapline change to both schools to encourage students to join for the journey.
Jan the designer who led this creative campaign said ' striking, simple and effective logo that met the clients brief exactly, fits like a glove with the existing AVA logo, job well done.'
If you want to find out how Fresh can help your business then call us on any of the numbers above or email us at hello@freshdps.co.uk or visit us at www.freshdps.co.uk
Trust Fresh
Another great charity based in Aylesbury chose us to be their print provider over the last year. The Fremantle Trust provide high quality and support services across 53 locations and support nearly 2000 people.
What we provided is design advice and practical printing solutions from a simple vinyl banner to four colour brochures.
Our expert knowledge is what impressed Fremantle and Luke Patterson said. ' Fresh have helped me enormously and I've been very impressed with the way they go about their business, I would definitely recommend them.'
Andy from Fresh said ' Our experience is key to helping many clients achieve their goals quickly and efficiently, we are the best in the area because we have all the solutions under one roof whether its designing a website to printing a vinyl banner - we do it all and that's what Fremantle wanted.'
If you want to find out Fresh can help your business then call us any of the numbers above or email us at hello@freshdps.co.uk or visit us at www.freshdps.co.uk
Schools NOT out for Summer
What a great year we have had with schools, over the year we have managed to complete 21 student planners 13 prospectus, 6 websites and countless signage. Our school market has increased dramatically and now we have the added bonus of being able to have our own photographer to help out on the shoots
Andy from Fresh said ' Myself and Holly have worked extremely hard on this sector as we feel that we have a special product package to offer schools. We offer them , creative, quality print at a budget and the results have been astonishing.'
'With more and more schools coming to Fresh, it is more of a question how many we can take on as the demand is high.' said Kevin Brook
If you want to find out how Fresh can help your business then give us a call on any of the numbers above or email us at hello@freshdps.co.uk or visit us at www.freshdps.co.uk
Fresh Andy - Superhero for a day
As part of Florence Nightingales 25 years of Hospice care our Director Andy took part in the Superhero Fun Run.
It was a Sunday morning on which you wouldn't have wanted to get out of bed ,as it was wet, cold and early, but that did not dampen the spirits of over 200 superheroes.
The event was held around Watermead Lake and featured the likes of Batman and Robin, Bananaman and our very own Flash as well.
It was started with a warm up from the Nuffield Health Team and Mix 96 radio were there commentating on the whole event.
It was a great success and the event now in its third year has grown each time. Andy said' It was just fantastic to be involved and have fun as Ive always wanted to be a Superhero for a day.'
If you want to find out how Fresh can help your business then give us a call on any other the numbers above or email us at hello@freshdps.co.uk or visit us at www.freshdps.co.uk
5 years on and still Fresh
Yes we are now a whopping 5 years old and wow what 5 years it has been, we started Fresh at the start of a recession and we are still here, stronger than ever and even more creative and Fresh.
Over the last 5 years we have been successfully helping clients start businesses, rebrand their business and for some achieve their goals and we have grown with them.
Our brand of 'Design & Print The Way It Should Be' started out as our own personal values of how we wanted to be seen and how a customer should be treated when coming into contact with us and we have kept these values throughout and has kept us in good stead.
We have forged some great long lasting relationships with clients and we have had a great adventure with them as well. We have grown from just the one branch to 3, and now have 6 designers in our creative suite, and the best finishing department in the area. We have grown our sales force and our extensive client base range from high profile blue chip brands to someone who is just starting out.
We have been asked many times about how we have survived through one of the hardest recessions and we always answer ' ask one of our thousands of customers and they will tell you why, after all the results speak for themselves.'
So what can you expect from us over the next year, well there are new products coming in our design suite with apps, we will be launching our online web 2 print site next year and as ever there will be some unexpected surprises of new kit arriving and new staff as well.
So keep checking back to see what we have been up to.
Time for Text
If you thought text was boring then have a look at below, if you are a lover of text then have a look at one of our design heroes, Neville Brody.
He is the master of bringing text to life and telling a story even to the boring font Helvetica. It shows what can be achieved with layout and no striking photography. The art of textography is slowly being pushed aside for the need for photographic imagery but seeing a beautiful piece of layout should not be discounted, it can lead you through a story, speed it up, slow it down and emphasise key moments, all without pictures.
So take your time, browse through his collection of work, you wont be disappointed.
An Eventful 4 years
We always talk about long standing partnerships and that there is no loyalty nowadays but that is not the case for a job that we have produced for the last 4 years, I am talking about the Aylesbury Town Centre Events Guide.
Over the last 4 years we have produced the Guide that highlights the events that go on in and around Aylesbury and it shows that we must be doing something right for The Partnership to keep coming back to us.
Kevin Brook stated ' Its great to see that The Partnership value what we do and I am grateful that we have the opportunity each year to produce such a wonderful piece of communication. We always talk about local business using local traders to keep our local economy alive and this just shows that we are just as good as anybody else to produce this'
If you want to find out Fresh can help your business then email us at hello@freshdps.co.uk or visit us at www.freshdps.co.uk
Or give us a call on any of the above numbers or pop in, we'd love to see you.
SJD Accountancy - Brand Consistency
One of our newest clients recently is SJD Accountancy, we have been producing many things for them recently from letterheads to businesss cards but one job that sticks out is the Contractors guide as it is piece of communication that looks great, feels great and is perfect to send out.
The guide itself is a 72 page book ,throughout all four colour and perfect bound as well, what we did though for this client was to go through a rigourous process of their brand colours and stocks to achieve maximum consitency of Sthe SJD brand throughout wherever it was seen
Andy Gerlack said, ' We started the processs with SJD early in 2012 and we went through different ways of how their brand would look from using spot colours to 4 colour process, the differences were massive and they appreciated the work we had put in to achieve the right brand consistency throughout their marketing collaterel, we were in this for the long term with them and we wanted to get it right from the outset, now we have everything covered and SJD are happy that their brand is unified and consistent.'
If you want to find out Fresh can help your business then email us at hello@freshdps.co.uk or visit us at www.freshdps.co.uk.
Or call us on any of the above number or pop in, we'd love to see you.
A great new client that has come on board recently is The Institute To The Motor Industry, over the last few months we have been printing brochures and folders and pop up banners for them.
IMI use us for our versality, our quality and reactiveness that we could do, what we offered them was that we could do all their different forms of communication under one roof from a printed brochure to a folder to posters to a pop up banner stand for an exhibition.
Andy Gerlack said. ' One of our strengths is that we can produce many different things from a poster to full colour brochures at a drop of a hat as we have all the right equipment in house sitting here so we can react quickly if we need to. We are used to panic jobs, in our industry there are always short deadlines and we thrive on it. Which is why so many people use us because we can deliver their expectations.
If you want to find out Fresh can help your business then email us at hello@freshdps.co.uk or visit us at www.freshdps.co.uk
Or call us on any of the above numbers or pop in, we'd love to see you.